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Dr. Matteo Giorgi

Dr. Matteo Giorgi


Master in zygomatic implantology

10:00 - 13:00
Vittori Palace Hotel

Prosthetic Implant Rehabilitation Of The Atrophic Maxilla With Zygomatic Surgery

Theoretical part: •Surgical anatomy of the zygomatic-maxillary area •Rationale of choice. Inclusion and exclusion criteria. •Intra and extra maxillary surgical technique -The universal surgical technique •Unilateral Zygoma •Hybrid Zygoma and Quad Zygoma •Prosthetic solutions •Complications •Clinical cases

14:00 - 18:00
Vittori Palace Hotel

Prosthetic Implant Rehabilitation Of The Atrophic Maxilla With Zygomatic Surgery

HANDS-ON SESSION ON MODELS Each participant will have the opportunity to try the zygomatic instruments and implants with hands on sessions on models